How To Increase Your Chances Of A Healthy Pregnancy
You might be surprised to find out that at least 15% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage. It’s possible that the number is higher because many of these deaths aren’t reported. If they happen very early on, the mother might not even know. Most of the time, a miscarriage happens because the baby has problems with their chromosomes. This means that the baby is too sick to be born. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy and lower your chances of a miscarriage that could happen for other reasons. Continue reading to learn more.
Eat A Healthy Diet
When you are pregnant, your baby, in a sense, eats what you eat. Through the placenta, they will get the vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. So, if you want your baby to be as healthy as possible, you should eat a healthy diet when you’re pregnant and even when you’re not.
Eating well will also help you control your weight, which is very important during pregnancy when it’s easy to gain weight without noticing. When you gain too much weight, it can lead to health problems like diabetes and heart disease that can hurt you and your child.
Make Use Of Prenatal Care
You might think that when you’re pregnant, you don’t really need to see a doctor or an OB/GYN specialist. After all, women have been pregnant and had babies on their own for hundreds of years, so why can’t you? The truth is that women have done this, but it was a dangerous thing to do, and in many cases, it caused problems. It’s important to go to your prenatal appointments because of this. You and your baby will both get checked out, and you’ll also get a lot of good advice to help you stay healthy and happy for the next 40 weeks or so. Thus, experts, like a Canton OBGYN, are needed to help you with it.
Don’t Drink Alcohol
When you’re pregnant, you should give up a lot of bad habits, like smoking and not getting enough sleep. But giving up alcohol is one of the most important ones. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a very bad thing that can happen if you drink while you’re pregnant. It can even damage your baby’s brain.
Those who drink too much will have more problems with the above issue than those who drink a glass of wine once in a while, but it pays to be careful, and it’s best not to drink at all when you’re pregnant to be safe.
Stay Active
Staying active is good for both you and your baby while you are pregnant. It can help you sleep better, calm your nerves, and stay healthy while you’re pregnant.
If you were active before you got pregnant, you can keep doing the same amount of activity. But pay attention to your body and slow down if it starts to hurt. If you didn’t work out much before you got pregnant, start slowly and try to work out for 30 minutes every day. Exercise doesn’t have to be hard for it to be helpful. Even gentle walks are useful.
Monitor Your Baby’s Movements
Knowing your baby is doing well when you feel them move around is a wonderful feeling. Between 18 and 24 weeks, you may first detect your baby’s movements. It’s possible that you won’t feel your baby move until after 20 weeks if this is your first pregnancy. A soft whirling or fluttering sensation could well be felt. Kicks and jerky movements are common signs of a growing baby.
Learn your baby’s typical movement pattern and report any changes to your midwife or maternity unit promptly. Even while in labor, you should feel your baby kicking and moving around.
Sleep On Your Side
In the third trimester, it’s best if you sleep on your side since studies have shown that your unborn child is safer when you do. This includes naps throughout the day and sleep at night. Try not to panic if you wake up on your back; simply turn over and go back to sleep on your side.
In fact, learning more about sleep and to ensure you and your baby sleep in the most beneficial way is crucial. This can include everything from when your newborn should nap to modern crib safety, for example. Sleep is something that takes up such a lot of a newborn’s time – although in small doses – that parents should educate themselves on as much information surrounding it as possible.
Take Care Of Your Mental Health
During pregnancy, your emotional and physical wellness are equally vital. Being pregnant is a very emotional experience, therefore it’s common to occasionally feel down or have mood swings. However, if these emotions become overwhelming or persist for more than a few weeks, it’s crucial that you seek assistance.
You won’t face criticism for your emotions. As many as 1 in 5 women experience mental health problems during pregnancy and for up to a year following delivery. Your prenatal care team is aware that anyone can develop a mental illness at any moment.
Don’t Eat Too Much Or Too Little
Your baby will get everything it needs from you as it grows, so you don’t need to eat more in the first and second trimesters. During the third trimester, if you are active, you might need 200 more calories per day. This is about the same as half a sandwich.
If you cut out food groups to lose weight, your baby might not get the nutrients they need to grow. The best way to control your weight is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from each of the main food groups.
Take Supplements
Taking vitamins and other supplements can help a lot when you’re pregnant. In the first month of pregnancy, your baby’s neural chord, which eventually develops into the brain and spinal cord, grows. Starting supplements before you’re even pregnant is a great idea because it gives your baby a great place to grow. Folic acid, iron, and calcium will help you and your baby if you get more of them. Supplements can also help if you have problems like IBS that are caused by pregnancy.