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Teach Kids How Living Things Alter Their Environment

For a simple definition, an environment defined for kids is an area with living and non-living components that interact to form a unique ecosystem. All living things, including humans, influence their environment in some way. Humans are particularly influential as we build cities, clear forests for agricultural land, and use resources such as water and energy. But even small creatures like ants can have a big impact on their environment.

From the actions of soil microbes to the influence of human beings, every living organism has an impact on its surroundings. In this blog post, we will explore some of the different ways that living things can alter their environment and the effects that these changes can have.

How Living Things Alter Their Environment


Decomposition is a process by which living organisms break down organic matter into simpler forms that can be absorbed by other organisms or released back into the environment. This process plays a vital role in the natural cycle of our planet’s ecosystems as it helps to recycle nutrients and minerals. As living organisms die, they are quickly colonized by an array of decomposers such as fungi and bacteria that work to break down the complex organic matter.

During decomposition, a variety of substances such as CO2, water, and nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are released back into the soil, providing essential nutrients for other living organisms. While decomposition is a natural and essential process in maintaining healthy ecosystems, it can also lead to negative consequences such as the release of greenhouse gases, which contributes to climate change.


Predation is a natural process in which a predator hunts and kills its prey for sustenance. This interaction is central to the balance of ecosystems, as it holds the potential to regulate population sizes and diversity. Predators have evolved numerous adaptations to become better hunters, including camouflage, strength, speed, and specialized hunting tools.

Prey, on the other hand, has developed defense mechanisms such as chemical defenses, mimicry, and rapid movements. Additionally, predation not only affects the populations of the hunted species, but it may also influence the behavior, physiology, and evolution of both predators and prey. Although it is a powerful force that shapes many aspects of living systems, the impacts of predation on the environment may vary based on the specific species involved and the ecological context in which it occurs.


Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy that can be used to fuel their growth and life processes, has a profound impact on the Earth’s environment.

During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen, fundamentally altering the composition of the air we breathe. In addition, the energy stored in photosynthetic products, such as glucose and cellulose, fuels the growth and reproduction of these organisms, which in turn provide food and shelter for a vast array of other organisms, from insects to birds to mammals.

Photosynthesis is therefore a primary driver of Earth’s biological productivity and is critical for sustaining life as we know it. However, changes in the amount or timing of photosynthesis can have significant impacts on the environment, such as altering the atmospheric composition or affecting the food web.

Dispersal of Seeds

One of the many ways in which living things alter their environment is through the dispersal of seeds. Dispersal is a critical process that allows plants to grow in new areas, expanding their range and increasing their chances of survival. There are many different mechanisms by which seeds can be dispersed, including wind, water, animals, and human activity.

Each mechanism has its benefits and drawbacks, depending on the needs of the plant species and the conditions of the environment they live in. Some seeds are designed to be lightweight and aerodynamic, allowing them to be carried long distances by the wind. Others have hooks, barbs, or other adaptations that allow them to cling to the fur or feathers of animals, hitching a ride to a new location.


Pollination is a critical environmental process that enables the reproduction of flowering plants. It involves the transfer of pollen grains from the male reproductive organs of a flower, such as a stamen, to the female reproductive organs, such as the stigma. This transfer can occur through self-pollination or cross-pollination, where pollen is transferred from one flower to another by means of wind, water, or animals such as bees and butterflies.

Through pollination, living things alter their environment by facilitating the growth and spread of plant populations, which in turn support numerous ecosystems and sustain life on Earth. Pollinators play an essential role in this process and their decline due to environmental factors such as habitat loss and pollution poses a significant threat to the health of our planet.

Climate Control

It refers to the deliberate manipulation of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light to create ideal living conditions for plants and animals. Some living things have evolved to be quite efficient at climate control.

For example, certain bird species maintain their body temperature by fluffing up their feathers to increase insulation or by panting to release heat. Similarly, beavers alter their environment by building dams to create warmer, more suitable living conditions. Some animals also migrate to different regions to follow seasonal changes in temperature and food availability.

In contrast, humans have developed sophisticated technologies to control their environment, such as air conditioning and heating systems, which can impact the larger ecosystem if not designed and operated in a sustainable way.


The study of how living things alter their environment is a fascinating area of research that has profound implications for both human and natural systems. Plants, animals, and microbes all have the ability to shape their environment in unique ways, whether through their physical structures, behavior, or metabolic processes.

Understanding these processes can help us to predict how ecosystems will respond to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances, and may provide insights into how we can manage and restore environments that have been degraded or damaged. By continuing to investigate how living things alter their environment, we can gain valuable insights into the complex interplay between life and the environment, and work towards a more sustainable future for all.

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