Home » Activities » Saint Patrick’s Day Rainbow Slime Recipe

Saint Patrick’s Day Rainbow Slime Recipe

If you’ve been looking for some fun Saint Patrick’s Day activities for your little one, and you know your little one loves slime, there’s something for you to combine both of them together!

Give this easy rainbow slime recipe a try- it can be the perfect effortless way to introduce your little one to Saint Patrick’s Day. What’s best is that it is super easy to make.

Read on to discover a quick rundown of how you can get started on it.

Saint patricks day rainbow slime

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Supplies For This Rainbow Slime Activity

If you’ve been trying some homemade slime recipes earlier for your little one, you’ll need no introduction to the ingredients in this supplies list.

Rainbow slime ingredients

To make the colors in this project, I used these-

  • Red – 10 drops red food coloring
  • Orange – 5 drops yellow food coloring and 3 drops red food coloring
  • Yellow – 10 drops yellow food coloring
  • Green – 10 drops green food coloring
  • Blue – 10 drops blue food coloring
  • Purple – 5 drops red food coloring and 4 drops blue food coloring
  • You will make six separate batches of slime with one in each color.

How To Make Rainbow Slime

Rainbow slime

Empty the glue into a large bowl.

adding dye to slime

Fill the empty glue bottle about ⅓ full with warm water (about ¼ cup) and seal with the lid. Shake well to combine the remaining glue with the water. Pour into bowl with glue and stir to combine.

making green slime

Add the baking soda to the glue and stir to mix thoroughly.

making yellow slime

If you are adding additional glitter, confetti, or food coloring, stir it into the glue mixture.

how to make slime with different colors

Add contact lens solution to the glue mixture and stir well. (Note: regular glue will require less contact lens solution than glitter glue.

rainbow slime recipe image

Add the contact lens solution slowly, mixing between additions, and add only enough to bring the glue together into a soft ball.)

how to make slime with different colors

Remove the slime from the bowl allowing any excess liquid to remain in the bowl.  The slime will be sticky.

rainbow slime colors mixed together

Begin to play with the slime, kneading it as you would bread dough, to bring the slime together.

how to make rainbow slime

The slime is ready when no longer sticky.

how to make saint patricks day slime

Best if stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator when not in use.

rainbow slime image

Saint Patricks Day Activities

Looking for some more fun filled Saint Patrick’s Day inspired activities or slime recipes? Here are some quick links to my favorite ones to help you get started.

Team up this rainbow slime activity with a few of these that I’ve listed above, or with a couple of good bedtime stories for an enriching and fun filled learning experience for your little one.

making rainbow slime recipe

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Saint patricks day rainbow slime

About Angela Milnes

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