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What Are The Benefits Of Placenta Banking?

During the period of your pregnancy, the placenta keeps nourishing your child through and through. It helps in developing the body of the fetus and protects it from harmful elements. That’s why most people think its protective ability stops right after the cord is cut.

However, that’s not true.

If you consider placenta banking, it can, indeed, keep your kid safe even after they’re born. Keep reading to know more about it.

placenta banking

What Is Placenta Banking?

In essence, placenta banking is the procedure of accumulating the placenta from your body and plucking the life-saving cells from it. Also known as stem cells, these can assume the form and shape of any other type of cell and mimic their functionality.

Therefore, if your kid gets into an accident or is suffering from cancer, their doctor can treat them with this technology. The best thing about it is that the fluid is relatively easy to collect and, therefore, does to affect the mother’s health at all.

Also, the stem cells available in the cord blood rarely carry any infectious disease. Therefore, they won’t be rejected by the body’s immune system at all. It, in turn, can increase the overall success rate of any treatment procedure and lower the risk of autoimmune disease.

How Do You Bank It, Though?

The placenta and cord blood available within the same are usually stored after the birth of the baby. During the procedure, the doctor will clamp the umbilical cord in two different places, generally, 10-inch apart, and cut the cord. This will separate the baby and the mother.

After that, they’ll insert a small needle and accumulate around 40-millimeter blood from the same place. The procedure usually goes on for about five to ten minutes and doesn’t cause any form of discomfort or pain to the party.

In some cases, the cord blood bank might also send a tube to take the mother’s blood. But, in that case, the banking kit will come with an instruction manual regarding the same.

Benefits Of Placenta Banking

The benefit of placenta banking will depend on where you’re keeping the blood (or placenta) and your purpose. Considering the same, here’s how it can help you out.

  • If you’re keeping the blood of your child in a private institution, you can use the same for a close family member. 
  • Conversely, keeping the same in a public bank can enable you to offer aid to other people who’re in dire need of it.

Now, let’s talk about the general advantages of placenta banking. 

  • The blood from the placenta has regenerative potential. Thus, it can help in repairing damaged tissue, curing seemingly-incurable diseases, and replacing an organ.
  • The therapy is both medically and scientifically proven. Therefore, it doesn’t usually cause any side effects. Even if it does something, you can take care of it quickly.
  • Besides, the blood from the placenta doesn’t only help your kid but the whole family too. It can also be used for someone else who doesn’t belong to your inner circle.
  • Finally, according to a report, placenta banking can be beneficial for preventing the development of COVID-19 as well. It works pretty quickly too! 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

As of now, we’ve offered enough information on the topic of placenta banking. So, now, let’s focus on the questions you might have regarding the same.

Is Placenta Banking Worth It?

Yes, absolutely. After all, it has the potential to save you, your family, and other people from almost any incurable ailment. Pretty huge feat, no?

How Much Does It Cost To Store Placenta?

Private placenta banking is quite expensive. It can take more than $2,000 for the same. And, you must provide an additional $100 as the storage fee. 

Should You Go For It, Then?

Of course! 

Placenta banking, in essence, is the future of curing incurable diseases. And, it doesn’t only work on you or your kid but your family too. 

So, why would you give up on such a golden opportunity?

There’s only one problem, though. Due to having a scarcity in technology, the price of the same is still quite high. But, we’re pretty sure that it’ll reduce in the near future. 

So, don’t worry too much about it.

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