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Rainbow Sensory Bottle Activity for Kids

As a mom of a growing toddler, you’re probably always on the hunt for some fun and easy sensory play activities. But hey- it isn’t always possible to hit the craft store whenever you want to right?

And that’s exactly why this rainbow sensory bottle is just right. You’ll need just a few supplies to give it a try, and your little one will be amazed and have a fun time with it too.

Scroll down and keep reading to find out what you’ll need.

rainbow sensory bottle

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Supplies Needed For This Rainbow Sensory Activity

rainbow sensory bottle

How To Make A Sensory Bottle With Elmers Glue And Sequins

Pour the glue into the bottle. 

rainbow sensory bottle

Add the sequins in order of the color of the rainbow. 

rainbow sensory bottle
rainbow sensory bottle
rainbow sensory bottle

Pour water into the remaining space in the bottle. 

Tightly close the bottle. 

Shake the bottle up!

Tip: Place the bottle up near a light to see how neat it looks.

And of course, since you’re on a roll with this rainbow sensory bottle activity, you can try some more too. Here’s a quick list of some of my personal favorites.

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About Angela Milnes

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