Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity

I just love books like Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. They make learning fun, engaging, and definitely help the skills stick in their head. With fun rhymes, alliteration, and repetition, kids can easily begin to learn their ABCs and letter recognition. This Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity really plays on the book and drives home the skills you want the child/children to learn.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity

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Supplies Needed For this Kids Book Craft

How To Create This Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity

Read the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book with your child.Offer a selection of abc beads and a clear bottle with a lid.

Invite your child to drop a few letter beads into the bottle, reading the letters as they drop them in. Add some faux hay to the bottle.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity

Use a pen to stuff it down in the bottle if needed. Add more letter beads, reciting the letters as they are dropped in. Add more faux hay and a few more letters.

Tear off 4 sections of crepe paper. Using 2 sections,wrap it around the lid and secure with tape.Attach to the bottle, the lid should still screw on despite the crepe paper attached.

Use tape to further secure if needed.

Using the 2 remaining sections, fold them in half then secure to the top with tape to create the leaves on the tree.

Fold tape into a small bundle and use a few sections to secure more foam letter beads to the leaves.

Invite your child to shake the bottle and discover the letters inside while exploring the book.

If you are looking for another educational craft that goes with a book, check out our Cat in The Hat Craft with Reading Resource or The Gruffalo Book Craft!

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Activity

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Chicka chicka boom boom activity for kids using a bottle and letter beads

About Angela Milnes

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