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Money Counting Math Activity and Challenges

Are you looking for a fun, hands on way to teach little ones the value of money? This fun Money Counting Math Activity is the perfect way to teach kids how much coins are worth, how to add them up to get the amount you need, and the value of keeping your money safe.

The best way to learn to count money is by doing it the hands-on way. No worksheet can adequately teach the value of money quite like the real thing. Teaching kids the basics of money is always important. Who knows, they may grow up to be investment bankers or work on with exchange rates like ETH to USD. Either way, this is a great activity for kids to start with.

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What You Need For This Money Counting Math Activity

  • Muffin pan (mini or large will work)
  • Baking cups (size depends on your pan and how many cups fit the pan)
  • Permanent marker
  • Play money or real money (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)

(Tip: Use play money for school settings and real money for home settings. *If you don’t have enough to fill an entire muffin tray up, kids can use money from other cups as they work through the activity. For the older activities up to $1.00, it’s best to have a good amount of play money to fill the larger amounts.)

Money Counting Math Activity Instructions

Line a muffin pan with baking cups.

Using a permanent marker, write different money amounts on the center inside of the baking cup. For smaller children, consider smaller amounts and work up to larger amounts. For older children, start with higher amounts and work up.

Have children fill in the baking cups using the play money, counting the appropriate amount of money for each baking cup.

Money Counting Math Activity

Check their work when completed.

Money Counting Math Activity

Challenge #1

You can repeat the steps above. Empty cups and have them show the amounts in a different way with different coins. (Example: Instead of two quarters for 50 cents, go back and have them do 3 dimes and 4 nickels, etc.)

Money Counting Math Activity

Challenge #2

Try to match the change amount with the least amount of coins as possible.

Challenge #3

A great way to teach kids how money works is to create a store. You can use our painted pencil craft to make pencils to sell for a profit.

supplies for painting pencils with kids

Have kids add up what it costs to make the pencils then sell each pencil so that they make more than it took to make the pencil.

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About Angela Milnes

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