Home » Halloween ideas » Frankenstein Line Study Art Activity for Kids

Frankenstein Line Study Art Activity for Kids

Line studies can be an excellent way to keep your active toddler busy- not only is it a super constructive motor activity, but it also requires little to no supervision from your end.

This Frankenstein line study in particular, can also offer you a good chance to teach your little one about the character, and get him in the spirit of Halloween.

frankenstein craft for kids with free template

Best of all, you don’t even need a whole bunch of fancy art supplies to make it happen. So read on and get started on this exciting art activity for toddlers.

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So you’re ready to get your little one to try this fun and exciting Frankenstein craft? Here’s exactly what you’ll need.

Supplies Needed For This Super Cute Frankenstein Craft

How to Try This Frankenstein Line Study Yourself

Starting with this activity is easy! First, download the free printable and print it out on a sheet of paper. Get the rest of your supplies ready.

Frankenstein line study supplies

Next, hand over the fine tip marker to your little one, and get him to fill up each section of the Frankenstein (except the eyes) with lines, as straight as he can get them.

This activity can take time, but can be a great way to improve your toddler’s focus, and also sharpen his fine motor skills and drawing abilities.

Frankenstein line study

Once he’s done filling up the entire picture with lines, ask him to add color to it!

Sure, green and purple may be the perfect colors to use, but if your little one’s imagination is taking him wild, and he wants to experiment with other colors, let him!

Frankenstein line study

While your little one is at work, you can get some chores sorted out, or sit down and teach him about Halloween, its traditions and even lend him a glimpse into Frankenstein and his story.

Once done, trim off the excess white margin around the edges, and that’s it!

Frankenstein line study

You can also cut out and stick this Frankenstein on a sheet of card paper, and even frame it out if you’re up for it.

Fun Facts About Frankenstein for Kids

You can make this art activity even more exciting by teaming it up with these fun facts about Frankenstein and leave your little one intrigued.

  • Frankenstein is a monster based on the book written by Mary Shelly.
  • Mary Shelly was just 18 years old when she started writing the book.
  • She started writing the book because someone challenged her to come up with a horror story.
  • In the story, Frankenstein is not the name of the creature, but the doctor who made the creature.

And if your little one loved this art activity, you can also get him to try some similar craft activities- most of which are Frankenstein and Halloween themed! I’ve listed down some of my favorites here, and most of these are just as easy to do.

Download Your Frankenstein Template Here!

Frankenstein Craft & Activity for Kids

Super Fun Mad Scientist Craft

Frankenstein Cupcakes Halloween Treats

Disney Mickey Ears Frankenstein Craft

DIY Halloween Wooden Spoons

Busy now? Why not pin this fantastic resource for later? Pinning supports my blog and allows me to create more content to help little ones learn. I’m truly grateful for any social shares.

And if you’re on the hunt for more line art projects like this one, guess what? I’ve got that too, in these exciting Halloween characters, all ready for your toddler to get started on!

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