Home » Nursery Rhymes » Dance To Your Daddy Printable + Ideas

Dance To Your Daddy Printable + Ideas

Does your little one’s eyes sparkle in delight and joy when you sing Twinkle Twinkle to him? Nursery rhymes can be a lot of fun for toddlers, and as a parent, you know they do a lot of good too.

Apart from teaching growing kids about different words of the language and strengthening their vocabulary, they also help develop their speech. And that’s exactly why I’m here with a free Dance to Your Daddy printable for you!

Scroll down to get access to it, along with tons of other free printables centered around the most popular nursery rhymes for kids, and some cool activities and crafts too!

daddy and daughter

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Dance To Your Daddy Lyrics

Dance to Your Daddy is a very popular English folk song that gained all its popularity by using the same tune as a popular TV show theme song. You might find several versions of lyrics for this one, but here’s the most commonly used version.

Before you go ahead and download the actual printable, here’s a quick look at the lyrics of the nursery rhyme.

You shall have a fishy,

In a little dishy,

You shall have a fishy,

When the boat comes in.

Dance to your daddy,

My little babby,

Dance to your daddy,

My little lamb.

You shall have an apple,

You shall have a plumby,

You shall have a rattle,

When the boat comes in.

Free Dance to Your Daddy Printable

Ready to download your free Dance to Your Daddy printable? Well, here it is!

dance to your daddy lyrics and song

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Download The Dance To Your Daddy Song Here

Loved the free printable? What if I told you there’s a lot more? Here are some quick links to some of the best nursery rhyme printables I have access to- all for you to download with a single click!

Plus, you’ll also find some cool activity ideas and inspirations to take it all up a notch and get your toddler a fun learning experience.

About Angela Milnes

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