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Alice The Camel: Lessons and Activities

When I was little, this nursery rhyme used to be Sally the Camel. However, Alice the Camel is a great way to compare and contrast different versions of the song. I like that just because we change the name in the song it doesn’t change the meaning behind it. This is a fun song for kids, but it also teaches them math and reading skills. Below, you will learn how you can use Alice the Camel academically.

Learning Objectives

As you sing this funny song of a camel turning into a horse, there are several learning objectives students will learn as well:

  • Students will be able to identify the title and how to read from left to right.
  • Students will be able to identify and read number words one through five.
  • Students will be able to orally recite and read the rhyme.
  • Students will be able to count backwards from five.
  • Students will be able to understand the concept of subtraction.

Lessons and Activities

As you can tell from the learning objectives above, students can take a lot away from just singing a silly song. Here are just a few lessons and activities you can do to scaffold their learning:

  1. Play a number matching game. You can create a file folder game where kids will match the number of humps on the camel to the number word. Or, use this one.
  2. Teach students that each number has a number word, too. Have students hold up the right number word as you sing the song.
  3. Practice singing the song then have students follow along with the words of the song to build reading confidence.
  4. Read the song independently and as a class.
  5. Play Number Bingo to teach numbers.
  6. Use this song to build on subtraction knowledge. By asking questions like if Alice has 4 humps and we take one away, how many does she have left?

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Alice The Camel Song Words

Here are the lyrics for the Nursery Rhyme Alice The Camel

Alice the camel has five humps.

Alice the camel has five humps.

Alice the camel has five humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has four humps.

Alice the camel has four humps.

Alice the camel has four humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has three humps.

Alice the camel has three humps.

Alice the camel has three humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has two humps.

Alice the camel has two humps.

Alice the camel has two humps.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has one hump.

Alice the camel has one hump.

Alice the camel has one hump.

So go, Alice, go.

Alice the camel has no humps.

Alice the camel has no humps.

Alice the camel has no humps.

Now Alice is a horse.

alice the camel lyics and printable

Download Your Alice The Camel Printable Here

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