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Hickory Dickory Dock Song And Activity Ideas

The Hickory Dickory Dock song is one of the most famous nursery rhymes for kids out there, and if you’re ready to introduce your little one to it, and maybe even try some themed activities around it too, here’s exactly what you need.

Scroll down and read on to get your hands on the free printable and also discover some cool activities you could get your kid started on.

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Words To Hickory Dickory Dock Song

Hickory, dickory, dock.
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

hickory dickory dock song and printable

Activities To Go With This Nursery Rhyme

Thee are lots of fun activities that can go alongside this fun Nursery Rhyme. You might want to create a mouse and a clock or maybe just create some mice.

Why not try making an egg carton mouse! That could be real fun! Make a handprint mouse or have fun painting a mouse on a blank canvas.

Make MouseTraps On Toast

When I was a teacher in preschool we often made marmite and melted cheese on toast. We called these mousetraps and the kids loved them. This could be a fun activity and you could get the children involved, having them help to spread the marmite and grate the cheese.

Teaching Kids About The Time

This Nursery rhyme is a great opportunity to teach little ones about different clocks. You could go on a treasure hunt to find the different clocks and timers in the home or classroom. Find the clock on the wall, the clock on the tv, the microwave and other items. Maybe talk about grandfather clocks to even teach older kids about the clock face.

You might want to print out the how to tell the time printable over on The Inspiration Edit. These fun and free printables are easy to use and a great resource for the kids.

Download The Hickory Dickory Dock Printable Here

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