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All The Pretty Horses Song

All The Pretty Horses is a nursery rhyme that makes children fall asleep quickly. Because it is a traditional Afro-American nursery rhyme and lullaby, you can tie this song into African American History. Additionally, this song is great for helping children with basic reading skills.

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Learning Objectives

If you are using nursery rhymes to help build literacy, you can use this lullaby in the same way. Here are some learning objectives:

  • Students will be able to learn how to read this song from left to right.
  • Students will be able to identify the title of the text.
  • Students will be able to identify the purpose of the song is to help you sleep.
  • Students will be able to learn the sigh word “little”

Lessons and Activities

One way that you can use this nursery rhyme is during Black History Month. You can teach children different songs, cultures, and history of black history. Additionally, you can do the following to help with literacy in the classroom:

  1. Sing the song out loud as a class.
  2. Pass out copies of the song to the children and sing it together while following along with the words. Reading repetition builds confidence.
  3. Have students read the rhyme individually with a teacher.
  4. Build on the letter H and its sound. H is for Horse.
  5. Highlight the word “little.” Add that word to your sight word list.
  6. Make an alphabet rock stone for the letter H.

All The Pretty Horses Words

Here are the words for the nursery rhyme All The Pretty Horses.

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry,

Go to sleep my little baby.

When you wake you shall have

All the pretty little horses.

Black and bays, dapples, grays,

All the pretty little horses.

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry,

Go to sleep my little baby.

Hush-a-bye, don’t you cry,

Go to sleep my little baby.

When you wake you shall have

All the pretty little horses.

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all the pretty horses nursery rhyme printable

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