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Crocodile And Alligator Children's Books

Crocodile And Alligator Children’s Books For Kids To Read

Today we are sharing a list of fantastic crocodile and Alligator children’s books. Crocodile books are fantastic for kids who are interested in learning more about reptiles and how the crocodile lives.

These alligator and crocodile themed story books are super fun are popular books to read with kids both at home and in the preschool setting.

childrens crocodile books

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What Is The Difference Between An Alligator And A Crocodile 

Want to know the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? For the most part, it’s the snout that is the difference. An alligator will have a snout that is shaped like a U and a little broader. In a crocodile, you will see that their mouth is more V-shaped.

Which Is Bigger An Alligator Or A Crocodile?

The largest species of the crocodile can reach up to 17 or 18 feet and that is the saltwater crocodile. Alligators can reach 14 to 15 feet in length. You will find that some species of crocodiles or alligators can be bigger than one of the other. However, the crocodile wins with it having the biggest species.

Crocodile And Alligator Books To Read With Kids

Here is a list of Crocodile books and Alligator books to read with children. I’m sure you will enjoy this list of books and they will help children to learn more about these interesting reptiles.

Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile

lyle lyle crocodile story book

How to Hide a Crocodile & Other Reptiles

how to hide a crocodile and other reptiles book for kids

There’s an Alligator under My Bed

there's an alligator under my bed story book for kids

Books for Kids: The Happy Crocodile. Bedtime Stories For Kids.

the happy crocodile book for kids

Could a Crocodile Play Basketball Hilarious scenes bring crocodile facts to life!

could a crocodile play basketball book for kids

The Christmas Crocodile

the christmas crocodile book for kids

Open Very Carefully: A Book with Bite

open very carefully a book with bite about crocodiles for kids

Easter Croc: Full of pop-up surprises!

easter croc a pop book for kids about crocodiles

The Enormous Crocodile

the enormous crocodile by roald dahl

See You Later, Alligator

see you later alligator kids book

Crocodile and Alligator Craft Ideas To Make With Kids

Kids crafts can be fun and here are a few crocodile and alligator craft ideas that you might want to create with the kids to extend their interest in learning about these reptiles.

You might want to try making some clothespin crocodile puppets like these super cute ones over at easy peasy fun!

Over on Red Ted Art there is a fabulous tutorial for creating crocodile themed bottle top castanets.

This Alligator Paper Bag Puppet over on The Inspiration Edit is a fun and easy craft and comes with a free template. It would make a fun project for the classroom or a great activity to create at home.

alliagator paper bag puppet

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crocodile books for kids

About Angela Milnes

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