Grim Reaper Halloween Craft

Kids love holidays especially Halloween. Doing fun things like this Grim Reaper Halloween Craft is a great way for kids to show their creativity, have fun, and learn without knowing it.

Grim Reaper Halloween Craft

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Make This Grim Reaper Halloween Craft Educational

Art is something most kids like. They like doing crafts, art and hands-on activities. Whether at home or in the classroom, using crafts is a great way to get a child learning without knowing they are doing it. Here are a few ways you can add an educational twist to this craft:

  1. Add a writing assignment: Have kids write about the Grim Reaper. They could write a spooky story or give you facts from mythology.
  2. Read about myths and legends: The Grim Reaper is part of many myths and legends. He is a great talking point to begin discussing different types of stories.
  3. Talk about Halloween in different cultures: People celebrate Halloween differently depending on where they live and what they believe. This is a great time to talk about cultures, beliefs, and religions.



  • printer
  • white paper
  • black paper
  • crayons
  • black pen
  • scissors
  • glue
supplies to make a halloween witch from paper

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How to Make This Grim Reaper Halloween Craft

This craft really isn’t difficult. In fact, it’s mostly just a coloring sheet that you spruce up with texture. Follow the steps below:

  1. Print out your Grim Reaper template
  2. Draw more lines for texture. This also helps in building fine motor skills for little ones.
  3. Color in your picture.
Grim Reaper Halloween Craft

Download Your Grim Reeper Template Here!

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Grim Reaper Halloween Craft

About Angela Milnes

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts, preschool music and reading with kids. Don’t forget to follow our fun crafts and creative ideas over on Facebook.

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