Dog Crafts For Kids To Make At Home
The truth is kids love dogs. I don’t think I have met one kid who hasn’t wanted a dog or a puppy. These dog crafts are super cute and might be a way to delay getting one…for a little while.
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Easy Dog Crafts For Kids
What I love about these dog crafts is that they are all super easy to make and can be turned into an education lesson. Whether you want to teach the sound the letter D makes or help your child with their fine motor skills, these crafts are just what they need.
Easy Paper Bag Dog
Craft Play Learn
Paper bags make great puppets. Puppets are a great way for children to learn communication skills and public speaking.
Dog Marionette Puppet
Easy Peasy And Fun
When it comes to making crafts, making recycled ones are best! I mean let’s face it; they don’t last that long to spend a fortune on them. This craft is fully recycled.
Secret Life Of Pets Craft
Craft Create Cook
For whatever reason, kids love to get out the paints. What I love about this craft is it’s only 1-paint color.
Origami Dog Puppy
Red Ted Art
Origami crafts are great at building fine motor skills as well as teaching kids how to follow directions exactly. Plus, these are super cute.
Toilet Tube Dog
Frugal Fun For Boys
If you have kids and don’t have a ton of toilet paper tubes a day, you are one lucky momma. For the rest of us, these little toilet tube dogs make the perfect crafts.
Footprint Puppy Dog Art
Crafty Morning
They don’t stay little for long, but you can still hold on to those little toes with this footprint puppy dog art.
Bichon Frise Dog Painted Rock
The Inspiration Edit
Older kids will enjoy this craft. It takes a little more skill than some of the other simple crafts, but is totally worth it in the end.
Dog Themed Fathers Day Card
The Inspiration Edit
I always find getting a homemade card from my little one is so much more rewarding than a store bought card. Not only does this help teach basic words, but it lets kids feel proud of the gift they gave to daddy.
Paper Dog Puppets
Hello Wonderful
Here are some other amazing dog puppets. Kids can create their own dog family just like 101 Dalmatians.
Heart Dog Crafts
Easy Peasy And Fun
One of the easiest ways to teach kids how to make or draw a dog head is to teach them with an upside down heart. The little heart nose makes it great as a V-day card.
Paper Spring Craft
Mess For Less
As a kid, I used to always make these paper accordions. Instead of making pointless ones, you can make them to look like a dog.
Fun Towel Dogs
Hello Wonderful
Ever wonder how they make your towels look like cute little animals at hotels? Well, now you and your child can do it too.
Paper Dog Puppet Craft
The Inspiration Edit
Look how cute little Rover is. This craft is super simple to make and can even be made by toddlers. Its great at building those fine motor skills.
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About Angela Milnes