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Paper Angel Craft For Kids

Paper Angel Craft For Kids

So your tree is up, the treats ready, the gifts wrapped and you’re waiting for Christmas to arrive. While you may still have a long list of things to look after, your child doesn’t.

At this time they’ll likely be following you around the house or hooked to the TV trying to pass the time till they can go out and play again or go back to school. This is not ideal for busy parents at all as there’s nothing more mischievous than a bored toddler. 

A tantrum from your little one is the last thing you’d want right before Christmas so you’ll need to find an interesting way to keep them happy. Well, you’ve come to the right place for that. 

This Easy Angel Paper Craft For Kids will help your child pass their time in a fun and educational way. They’ll learn some basic art skills while they’re at it too.

ANGEL CRAFT paper craft

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Fun Christmas Activities For Kids 

Little angels, also known as cherubs, have been part of Christmas decorations for well over a century now. You’d be hard-pressed to find a Christmas tree anywhere without little angel figures dangling from the branches alongside shiny baubles. 

Making this sweet little angel will put your child in the mood to listen to some Christmas stories, which you can tell them while you help them with this activity or explain the instructions to them. 

This activity has simple colours to shapes which will be easy for your child to understand and recreate by themselves. Just leave them to it for a few hours and let them work their magic with this fun craft set. 

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Busy Now? Why Not Pin This Christmas Angel Craft For Later!

How to make a paper angel using this template

Making this super fun paper angel is very easy to do.Begin by downloading your angel template and printing out each page on the correct color cardstock.

If you don’t have colored paper you can print off on white paper and use crayons to color in the different pieces of the Angel.

Once you have cut out your template pieces, the Angel body, head, wings and halo, assemble your paper angel ready to glue together.

This is a fun and easy craft for any age child. If you have an older kid why not allow them to complete the angel writing prompt available in the printable download.

christmas angel writing activity for kds

This can extend your child’s interest in the activity whilst promoting literacy and learning.

Download Your Angel Craft Template Here

Did you enjoy this fun Angel craft? You may also love the following posts:

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Free Christmas Penguin Activity Sheets

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Busy now? Why not pin this fantastic resource for later? Pinning supports my blog and allows me to create more content to help little ones learn. I’m truly grateful for any social shares.

ANGEL CRAFT paper craft

About Angela Milnes

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts, preschool music and reading with kids. Don’t forget to follow our fun crafts and creative ideas over on Facebook.

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