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Winter Yeti Paper Craft For Kids

The yeti is one of the most fascinating, enigmatic creatures associated with winter. Anyone who hears the word ‘yeti’ is sure to picture a large ape man stomping across snow-covered surfaces. 

Children in particular love this furry creature and are sure to enjoy a yet-related craft activity. Besides, having them busy for a few hours will leave you with some precious time on your hands as well. 

Since this is a paper craft activity, your child will need to use a pair of scissors to cut and paste the pieces together. If they’re too young to use a pair of scissors, by all means, assist them through the cutting process. 

In the following sections we’ll discuss what you’ll need for this craft activity, steps on how you can do it and more. 

paper yeti craft

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Does The Yeti Actually Exist?

You can share some fun facts about the yeti with your children to make this a more lively activity. This shaggy ape-like man can appear scary but it’s usually depicted in TV shows and movies as someone who minds their own business. 

The yeti is a character that can trace its origins to the mountains of Nepal where the people live 12,000 feet above the ground. Though they’re thought to be dangerous figures the legends around them seem to have been created to warn children not to wander away from their communities. 

However, despite all the mystery, the evidence seems to suggest that the yeti is no more than a type of bear living in extremely cold conditions.

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SUPPLIES NEEDED to make your abominable snowman

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How To Create A paper yeti

Making this super fun abominable snowman is very easy to do.Begin by downloading your Yeti template and printing out each page on the correct color cardstock.

Next cut out the template pieces the body of your Yeti, Yeti eyes and facial features.

Assemble the Yeti template and glue the pieces together to complete your paper craft.

Once complete use the printable prompts to create a writing project about the Yeti.

yeti writing prompt

The craft is now complete. Read a story or watch the movie Abominable with the kids and learn more about Yeti’s and the legendary creature of Nepal.

Download Your Yeti Craft Template Here

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About Angela Milnes

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts, preschool music and reading with kids. Don’t forget to follow our fun crafts and creative ideas over on Facebook.

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