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The Grinch Line Coloring Activity

Some of the best times with my daughter were spent coloring. Just recently, we both sat down at the table and colored a Mandela picture. Afterwards, we both felt calm, accomplished, and in a good mood. The Grinch Line Coloring sheet is a perfect way to spend time with your kids while getting in the Christmas spirit.

You could do this craft before or after watching the classic movie “How The Grinch Stole Christmas.” Or, if you want to make it a little more educational, read “The Grinch” and watch the movie to compare and contrast them.

The Grinch Line Coloring

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Skills Built With Coloring

You may think that coloring and line drawing is just a simple task that keeps the kids busy for a little bit. But, did you know coloring and drawing lines is something that is beneficial to your children later in life? Here are some of the skills kids gain just by coloring:

  1. Fine motor skills. Kids need to build those little muscles in their hands in order to write letters, shapes, and numbers. Coloring helps to build those skills.
  2. Patience. Patience is a virtue and coloring takes a lot of patience. As kids color, they learn patience and endurance to get the task accomplished.
  3. Builds attention span. If you know a teacher, you know their number one struggle with kindergartners is their attention span. Coloring helps build a child’s attention span so that they can sit and listen to a story or a mini lesson.
The Grinch Line Coloring

RELATED POST: Snowman Coloring Page for Kids

The Grinch Line Coloring Supplies

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The Grinch Line Coloring Instructions

This craft is super simple. It is a great way to spend time with the kiddos or use as a brain break at school. Here’s how you use it:


Have kids draw lines in between the lines with a fine tip black marker.

Allow kids to color in the picture however they like.

Hang up to enjoy!

If you want to make this craft a little more educational, you can add a writing assignment to it. For example, kids could compare and contrast the movie and story version of The Grinch!

The Grinch Line Coloring Activity

the grinch coloring page on white paper


  • Printer
  • Construction Paper (or cardstock)
  • Fine Tip Black Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Crayons, Markers or Colored Pencils


  1. Print THE GRINCH LINE COLORING template.
  2. Have kids draw lines in between the lines with a fine tip black marker.
  3. Allow kids to color in the picture however they like.
  4. Hang up to enjoy!
  5. If you want to make this craft a little more educational, you can add a writing assignment to it. For example, kids could compare and contrast the movie and story version of The Grinch!

Download Your Max Template Here!

The Grinch Line Coloring

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About Angela Milnes

Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts, preschool music and reading with kids. Don’t forget to follow our fun crafts and creative ideas over on Facebook.

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