Home » Book Lists » The Best Fire Safety Books For Kids

The Best Fire Safety Books For Kids

Books are an excellent way to educate your little one about important concepts and ideas, and get him familiar with the world around him. As a parent, it makes sense to pick up books covering different topics to enhance your child’s knowledge and vocabulary.

And if you’re on the hunt for some good fire safety books for kids, I have you covered.

Read on to discover my favorite picks! And wait, there’s also a little bonus from me! A free fire truck coloring page.

books for children about fire safety

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Let’s Meet A Firefighter 

The title says it all! Let’s Meet a Firefighter takes your little one on a journey to discovering everything the firefighters do within beautifully colored pages of fun illustrations.

lets meet a firefighter kids book about fire engines

No Dragons for Tea Fire Safety for Kids

If your little one is a bit intimidated by fire, this could be a great book to add to your collection. It teaches children about how fire safety doesn’t have to be scary with the help of a fun story revolving around a fire breathing dragon.

no dragons for teas fire safety tips

Hamsters Don’t Fight Fires

Hamsters Don’t Fight Fires is a sweet and funny tale about a small hamster who wants to fight fires! The story is yet another example of how good things come in small packages.

hamsters don't fight fires, fireg engine and fire truck book

Fire Trucks Move Lightning Books

This one’s the perfect picture book to teach your little one all about fire trucks, how they move, the equipment that they carry on board and everything else.

fire trucks on the move book about a fire engine

Fire Engine

With loads of active pictures that transport your little one on an exciting journey in the fire engine, this is another book you definitely must grab.

the fire engine book for kids

Big Franks Fire Truck 

Big Frank’s Fire Truck is yet another excellent pick for young readers. It helps them discover everything that firefighters do with the detailed full color illustrations packed within its pages.

big franks fire truck a book about fire engines or fire trucks

Curious George Firefighters

Perfect for preschoolers, this book is filled with watercolor and charcoal style illustrations of Curious George, and cover his trip to the fire station.

curious george and the fire fighters firetrucks and fire engines book for kids

Good Night Fire Engines

As a part of the Good Night Our World series, this book is another must have. Apart from giving your kiddo a little peek into the world of firefighters, it also helps him build listening skills and sharpen his memory.

good night fire engines

Apart from these, here are some more cool titles to pick from. Make these (and others of course) a part of his reading routine, and before you know it, you’ll be raising a voracious reader!

Fire Safety Lieutenant 

fire safety lieutenant

Pete Cat Firefighter

pete the cat fire fighter pete book for kids

Mater Rescue 

mater-to-the-rescue a book about a fire truck

Fire Fighter Frank


Busiest Firefighters

richard scarrys busiest fire fighters ever

Dinosaur Rescue

dinosaur rescue about a fire engine book for kids

The Little Fire Truck

the little fire truck a kids book about fire engines

Fire Station

the firefighter book about a fireman and a firetruck

Loved my picks? Get them as a gift for your little one for a job well done or the next time you hit a book store together. And if that’s not all, I’ve got some more cool titles for you in different categories. Happy reading mommas (and kiddos!).

Download Your Free Fire Truck Coloring Sheet Here!

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kids fire safety books

About Angela Milnes

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