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Easy Boat Crafts For Kids To Make

Boat crafts are great for many different reasons. You can use them to teach about sinking and floating, to teach the letter B, and to work on following directions.

Boat Crafts

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Easy Boat Crafts

Whether you are looking for something educational, a way to build fine motor skills, or just a fun craft to do, these boat crafts are fun and easy for kids of all ages.

Preschool Boat Craft

The Inspiration Edit

The cool thing about this boat craft is that kids can actually watch it float. Be sure to use cold water as warm water will make the glue melt.

Boat Crafts

Twig Boat Crafts

Easy Peasy And Fun

Nothing beats a real homemade boat. But, if you can’t go full-scale, you can start out small scale with this twig boat craft.

Pool Noodle Boats

Our Family Of Seven

Pool noodles float which means these pool noodle boats are perfect to make for pool time fun. So make these boats and watch them float.

Kids Craft Milk Carton Boat

Raising Whasians

This is an old school milk carton boat. I remember making these back when I was a kid. The best thing is that they really float.

Egg Carton Boat

from Wu Jur

If you use a cardboard egg carton, keep in mind it won’t be able to float. If you want to be able to use it in the water, consider the styrofoam cartons.

Easy Pirate Cork Boat Craft

Red Ted Art

There is never a need to feel any kind of way about drinking wine. This is because you can use those wine corks to create a fun boat craft with your kiddos.

Boat Crafts

Juice Box Boats

The Joy Of Boys

Kids love juice boxes, but instead of throwing them in the trash, you can recycle them into boats. You won’t want to put these bad boys in the water, though.

Boat Crafts

Milk Carton Boat Crafts

Fun Crafts Kids

Here is another milk carton boat craft idea. I love how kids can add little sailors to their boats.

Handmade Boats


Using real wooden sticks to create this boat is a great way to teach real life survival skills. It may not be exactly what you would do in real life, but it can give kids an idea.

Margarine Tub Tug Boat

Red Ted Art

Not ever sure what to do with those margarine tubs? Other than turn them into Tupperware bowls, you can make them into boats that actually float.

Boat Crafts

Popsicle Stick Boat

Crafty Sticks

Popsicle sticks are literally my go to for any craft. You can pretty much make anything out of them including this super cute boat.

Easy Origami Boats

One Little Project

Origami projects are great at helping kids learn to follow directions and build their fine motor skills. Just don’t put them in water.

Paper Plate Boat Crafts

Arty Crafty Kids

A paper plate can make some fabulous ocean waves. This is a craft you can do after a story or with the song, “A Sailor Went to Sea.” This interactive sailboat can actually move to the tune of the song.

Avocado Boat Craft

Kids Craft Room

Who knew the shell of an avocado could make such a super cute boat? It can even sail in the water.

Egg Carton Boat Crafts

Gingerbread House

Here is another egg carton boat. This would be a great one to do with the cardboard egg carton and then do the other one with the styrofoam carton. Then, you could do a sink or float challenge.

Paper Submarine

Crafty Morning

Get out those toilet paper rolls for this cute little submarine. Obviously this one will sink, so it’s just for decorations.

Cork Sailboat

Premeditated Left Overs

Cork floats so this would be another fun boat to make and play in the water with. Kids love making things they can put in water.

Boat Crafts

Balloon Powered Sponge Boat

The Craft Train

This is not only a boat, but a really cool science experiment. Get this boat going with balloon power! Kids will love this. Try different types of balloons to see which one works the best.

Easy Twig Boat

Family Budgeting

I don’t know about you, but kids always want to bring you weeds and twigs as gifts. Now you can have them make a fun little boat they can sail with their gifts.

Boat Crafts

These boat crafts are super great ideas to use as a sink or float lesson. You could make a couple different boats from this list and then have kids guess which ones will sink or float. Then, test them out.

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About Angela Milnes

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