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Christmas Tree Coloring Activity For Kids

Christmas Tree Coloring Activity For Kids

Christmas is just around the corner and excited children require novel ways to bide their time. Some parents occupy their children with Christmas movies or children enjoy playing video games and using electronic devices. While this may be an effective way to keep your kids entertained, giving them fun Christmas themed artwork would be even better. 

christmas tree one

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Christmas Line Study

Since this activity involves a line study, your child will be able to practice drawing straight lines. In doing so, they’ll be more confident learning how to draw figures by themselves and even write the letter of the alphabets properly. 

Talk about Christmas and the colors that instantly find their way into people’s imaginations at Christmas… these would be green, red, white, silver and gold. These gorgeous colours are sure to spark your child’s imagination as they color in a beautiful Christmas tree.

Fun Christmas Activities For Kids 

In order to pique your child’s interest and impart some education during this activity, you could read some treasured Christmas stories. This is sure to leave your children with some fond memories they can look back to when they grow older. 

Also could always ask the children to help you put up and decorate the tree with you when they’re done coloring. Decorating a Christmas tree is one of the most fun activities you can enjoy with your children around the Christmas holidays. Children love pretty string lights and brightly coloured baubles so they’re sure to be up for the task with enthusiasm. 

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Supplies Required For This Christmas Tree Colouring Page 

Read on to find out how you can use this fun activity and the supplies you’ll need for it. All of these supplies are easy to obtain and completely inexpensive. 

Busy Now? Why Not Pin This Christmas Tree Activity For Later!

Making This Tree Line Study

It’s really simple to create this line study. Download and print off the Christmas tree printable page. Grab a pen and draw lines in each area.

chritmas tree coloring page and line study for kids

Once the lines are complete, color in each section and make a unique and cute Chrsitmas tree for the kids.

chritmas tree coloring page and line study for kids

be sure to back the page and you can use it to create a display, a gift or even a calendar for next year! Enjoy!

christmas tree coloring page on backing paper

Enjoy this fun line study today!

christmas tree coloring page on backing paper

Did you enjoy this fun Christmas Tree Craft? You may also love the following posts:

Download Your Christmas Tree Coloring Page Here!

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About Angela Milnes

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