Home » Halloween ideas » Halloween Frog Activity And Easy Kids Craft

Halloween Frog Activity And Easy Kids Craft

Finding a craft idea perfect for Halloween doesn’t have to be difficult. There are so many Halloween crafts for school kids, preschool and children at home to enjoy and making a paper frog craft is one of these!

Today we have a fantastic and fun Halloween frog activity and craft idea which is super fun, quick and easy to make. With this adorable super cute frog template you can make this frog creativity with the little ones and let them get their creative juices flowing as they create and imagine.

I’m sure you will love this Halloween Frog Craft! We sure do! Scroll down and keep reading to discover more about how you can get started, and everything you need for it.

halloween frog craft and activity for kids

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Got a printer and some green construction paper? You’re pretty much sorted. A few other additional items are all you need to try this Halloween Frog craft at home.

Supplies Needed For This Halloween Frog Craft


frog craft supplies

How To Make This Quick And Easy Halloween Craft

Download and print out your paper frog template.

Halloween Frog

Cut the pieces out from the paper or use the printed paper as a template to trace onto construction paper.

Glue the pieces together to form your frog craft. You may glue the pieces together and then glue them onto a black paper background or you may glue the writing prompt onto black paper and then glue the character at the top.

Halloween Frog

Color the writing prompt and use a pencil to fill it out. This is a fantastic quick and easy craft and a fun way to get the kids writing.

Kids can write about the reason the witch turned you into a frog. This is a great way to practice writing skills and to use imagination. This is a fun idea for kids in the classroom or in the home!

Halloween Frog

Your Halloween Frog craft is now complete. This would make a great display for Halloween and is a great way to make the Halloween educational.

Download Your Free Frog Template Here!

Downloaded the template? What if I told you there are a lot more? These Halloween inspired craft templates are perfect for toddlers, and can turn out to be a great fun filled interactive learning experience for them.

There are templates for everything from Frankenstein and werewolf to pirates and vampires! Do I need to say more?

Check out the following Halloween Craft Ideas and download the free templates!

You may also enjoy the following book list: 20 Fantastic Books About Frogs!

kids frog books

And if you’re looking to get started on these and want to stock up on some craft essentials, here are some of the best ones you can get your hands on.

Yield: 1

Halloween Frog Activity And Easy Kids Craft

halloween frog craft and activity for kids

This is a tutorial on how to make a Halloween frog activity and easy kids craft.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Difficulty Easy


  • Printer
  • Construction Paper (or cardstock)
  • Fine Tip Black Marker
  • Glue
  • Crayons, Markers, or Colored Pencils


  • Scissors


    Download and print out your paper frog template.

    Cut the pieces out from the paper or use the printed paper as a template to trace onto construction paper.

    Glue the pieces together to form your frog craft. You may glue the pieces together and then glue them onto a black paper background or you may glue the writing prompt onto black paper and then glue the character at the top.

    Color the writing prompt and use a pencil to fill it out. This is a fantastic quick and easy craft and a fun way to get the kids writing.

    Kids can write about the reason the witch turned you into a frog. This is a great way to practice writing skills and to use imagination. This is a fun idea for kids in the classroom or in the home!

    Your Halloween Frog craft is now complete. This would make a great display for Halloween and is a great way to make the Halloween educational.

Looking for some more fun frog themed craft ideas for your little one? I’ve put in some really cool links for you to get started.

15 Fun Frog Crafts for Kids

Fantastic Fun Frog Books to Read with Kids

Easy Paper Bag Frog Craft for Kids

Frog Sensory Bin Activity for Kids

Fun Toilet Tube Craft for Kids

Busy now? Why not pin this fantastic resource for later? Pinning supports my blog and allows me to create more content to help little ones learn. I’m truly grateful for any social shares.

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